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SMS History
Most of the other services and modules of functionality of GSM system, not a single individual can appeal on the fatherhood of SMS. Idea of adding text messaging to the services to the mobile users was latent in number of communities of mobile communication services at the start of 1980s. Experts from many of those communities contributed in discussions on which should be the GSM services. Most of them were thinking of SMS as a means to give alert to the individual mobile users for e.g. on incoming voice mail, while the others thought about sophisticated applications in their minds, e.g. telemetry. However, some of them had a believe that using SMS would be means for sending text messages from one mobile user to the other. One of the cause for the slow pick up of SMS was that the operators were slow to eliminate billing fraud which was done when SMSC settings on the individual handsets to the SMSCs of other operators were changed. Bye the time, eliminating this issue by switch-billing rather than billing at the SMSC and by the features which were new within SMSCs to let the blocking of foreign mobile users by sending messages through it.
As the beginning of February 1985, which was already discussed in GSM subgroup WP3, chaired by J. Audestad, SMS which was considered in the main GSM group for being a possible service for the new digital cellular system. In the document of GSM 'Services and Facilities to provided in GSM System' (GSM Doc 28/85 rev2, June 1985), Both mobile originated as well as mobile terminated, which included point-to-point and point-to-multipoint, on the table of GSM teleservices short messages appeared.
Discussions on the GSM services were then concluded in e.g. Recommendation on GSM 02.03 'TeleServices were supported by a GSM PLMN'. Here, its a rudimentary description of the 3 services 1) Short message Mobile Terminated / Point-to-Point, 2) Short message Mobile Originated / Point-to-Point and 3) Short message Cell Broadcast was given. These were handed over to a new body of GSM called IDEG (the Implementation of Data and Telematic Services Experts Group), which kicked off in May 1987 with Friedhelm Hillebrand as the chair man. Today the technical standard known was largely made by IDEG (WP4 later) as the recommendations of two GSM 03.40 ( two point-to-point services merged together) and GSM 03.41 (cell broadcast).
Neil Papworth of sema group first send a commercial short message on December 3 1992 from a personal computer to Richard Jarvis of Vodafone on the Vodafone GSM network in the United kingdom.
Originally SMS was designed as a part of GSM, but today its available on a large scale of networks, also including 3G networks. However, SMS is not used by all text messaging systems, and some of the noted implementations of the concept include the J-Phone's SkyMail and NTT Docomo's Short Mail, both these in Japan. Messaging E-Mail from phones, has popularized by the NTT Docomo's i-mode and the RIM BlackBerry, SMTC over TCP/IP are standard mail products used typically.