Become a Power Memory Student
Become a Power Memory Student
We have reviewed multiple techniques for storing important information so that it can be recalled instantly. We talked about the different methods for moving important information from our short-term memory to our long-term memory. We also gave examples how to apply these different methods.
What now?
Reading how to have a Power Memory and actually having one are completely different things. The only way to become good at improving your memory is to practice, practice and practice it.
The biggest complaint I hear from Power Memory students is that it takes too much time to create associations and that they usually just give up and go back to their old rote memory habits.
I remember the first time my older brother took me skiing. I fell down the whole morning and after it was all done I told myself that I would never pay for a lousy high-priced ski ticket ever again. I had a terrible time. All I did was fall down and get wet and cold only to get back up and do the same thing over again.
The two things I was missing were a little bit of proper instruction and tutoring and lots of practice trying out what I learned.
A couple of years later and after many bumps and bruises I won a first-place trophy in a skiing competition I entered in Europe. It took time, perseverance and a lot of patience. But it paid off. Skiing is now my favorite sport and I enjoy it immensely.
The same principle holds true for becoming a Power Memory Student. You must learn the secrets of memorization and recall and practice them over and over. There is nothing like sitting down to take a test and start answering all the questions 100% right, twice as fast as the other students in class.
I remember using several of these techniques with a buddy of mine to prepare for an organizational behavior class in college. We had a forty-minute drive to get to school so we car-pooled together. During our drive we would turn out notes into funny stories that we would review together. It was a lot of fun coming up with goofy images and associations that made no sense except to us.
Both he and I happen to sit next to each other in the class. We both finished the test within forty-five minutes of the three-hour test. We walked up and handed our paper into our professor and walked out. All the students gasped when we handed our papers in so fast and the professor thought we cheated because we both got A�s on the test!
That�s the power of being a Power Memory Student!
Anybody can be a Power Memory Student. All you need to do is learn the secret formulas and techniques contained in this book and put them into practice. It worked for me, a high school student who graduated by the skin of his teeth and went on to scoring exceptionally high grades in one of the most prestigious undergraduate and graduate accounting programs in the nation.
If I can do it, you can do it too! So start today! If you have made it this far you already know the Power Memory System. Now go out there and put it to use!
Best of Luck (Luck = Preparation + Opportunity)
[ Article by
David Frey, ]