The Face Parts Method
The Face Parts Method
The Face Method of memorization is very similar to the Body Parts Method of memorization in that is uses parts of your own body to provide peg images for making memory associations. The parts of my face that I use are the following:
1. Forehead
2. Cheek
3. Ear
4. Mouth
5. Eyes
6. Chin
7. Nose
8. Hair
9. Eyebrows
10. Tongue
11. Teeth
12. Nostrils
It is virtually impossible to forget your peg images using the Face Parts Method because each peg image is sitting right on your face!
I want to bring these memory and recall techniques to life for you be giving you realistic examples of how you can use them in your studies and daily life. So let�s put the Face Parts Method to work by applying it to a real-life example.
Let�s suppose that I am studying business writing in school. The instructor teaches the Nine Principles of Good Business Writing and expects each of use to know these nine principles cold. The following are the Nine Principles of Good Business Writing that we�ve been asked to memorize:
1. State your objective
2. Know your audience
3. Stay on topic
4. Put your conclusion first and your evidence second
5. Use formatting techniques such as lists and subheads
6. Use simple sentences
7. Strengthen verbs
8. Speak in your own voice
9. Spell check
He states that every class period he is going to call on a student to stand up and give an explanation of at least one of the Nine Principles of Good Business Writing.
All the students are frightened to death because of the instructor�s promise. Not me! I know how to memorize and recall the nine principles instantly using the Face Parts Method.
First, I need to put the nine principles into long-term memory. Let�s do this through association with the different parts of my face.
After you recite these associations to yourself at least five or six times, or even more you will get to a point where you can touch your chin and you�ll remember, �Check spelling.� Or when you think of the top of your head you will remember top, or �Stay on topic.�