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    Program : Chess Game Developed in C .
    /* Language: C\C++ Category: Games Description: It is chess. Two players can play it. \ To simplify the code i have not intriduced the mouse.\ We can play it using Keyboard.I have made this using \ general rules. */ #include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> //For toupper #include <dos.h> //For Delay int board[8][8],turn=0,count1=0,count2=0; int gameover(); char strFileName[15]; void printboard(); void wrongStart(); void initialize(); void cleartext(); void check(); //Prototypes int pawn(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); int horse(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); int rook(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); int bishop(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); int queen(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); int king(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); void main() { //Graphics Initialization int gdriver = DETECT; int gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"e:\\borlandc\\bgi"); //Loading Intro for(float i=0; i<=6;i=i+0.1) { setcolor(12); settextstyle(4,HORIZ_DIR,i); outtextxy(50,120,"WELCOME TO THE CHESS"); delay(30); cleardevice(); } outtextxy(50,120,"WELCOME TO THE CHESS"); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,3); getch(); cleardevice(); //Displaying Group Members setcolor(CYAN); outtextxy(50,220,"Designed by:"); setcolor(6); outtextxy(50,250,"Atif Zia Khan"); //Displaying Roll Numbers outtextxy(350,250,"L1F01BSCS0144"); getch(); cleardevice(); cleardevice(); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,2); setcolor(12); outtextxy(50,10,"During the game Press:\n"); outtextxy(50,10,"______________________\n"); setcolor(6); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,1.5); outtextxy(50,60,"F2 to save file\n"); outtextxy(50,80,"F3 to load file\n"); outtextxy(50,100,"ESC to exit game\n"); outtextxy(50,120,"U to undo selection\n"); outtextxy(50,200,"\nPress any key to play "); getch(); cleardevice(); cleartext(); initialize(); char ch; int x=-1,y=-1,x1=-1,y1=-1; setcolor(9); outtextxy(10,400,"Player 1"); for(;;) { int game; game=gameover(); if(game==0) { break; } FILE *fp; ch=getch(); if(ch==0){ ch=getch(); if(ch=='<'){ //////SAVE///// for(;;) { cout<<"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\ \b\b\bEnter File name to save \n"; cin>>strFileName; //Enter File Name fp=fopen(strFileName,"r+"); if(fp!=NULL) { cout<<"File already exist\n"; } else { fp=fopen(strFileName,"w+"); if(fp==NULL) { cout<<"Invalid File Name\n"; } else break; } }//end for fprintf(fp,"%d\n",turn); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { for(int j=0;j<8;j++) { fprintf(fp,"%d\n",board[i][j]); } } fclose(fp); cleartext(); x=-1; y=-1; x1=-1; y1=-1; continue; } if(ch=='=') { ////Load///// for(;;) { cout<<"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\ \b\b\b\b\bEnter File name to Load \n"; cin>>strFileName; fp=fopen(strFileName,"r+"); if(fp==NULL) { cout<<"File does not exist\n"; } else { break; } }//end for fscanf(fp,"%d",&turn); for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ for(int j=0;j<8;j++){ fscanf(fp,"%d",&board[i][j]); } } fclose(fp); printboard(); cleartext(); x=-1; y=-1; x1=-1; y1=-1; setcolor(0); outtextxy(10,400,"Player �"); if(turn!=0){ check(); setcolor(2); outtextxy(10,400,"Player 2"); } else{ check(); setcolor(9); outtextxy(10,400,"Player 1"); } continue; } } if(ch==27){ break; } else if(ch=='u'||ch=='U'){ x=-1; x1=-1; y1=-1; y=-1; cleartext(); continue; } if(x==-1){ ch=toupper(ch); if(ch>=65 && ch<=72){ cout<<ch; x=ch-65; } } else if(y==-1) { if(ch>='1' && ch<='8') { cout<<ch; y=ch-'1'; if(board[y][x]==0){ wrongStart(); x=-1; y=-1; } else { if(turn==0) { if(board[y][x]<0) //if Player 1 has selected a piece of Player 2 { wrongStart(); x=-1; y=-1; } } else if(turn!=0) { if(board[y][x]>0) { wrongStart(); x=-1; y=-1; } } } } if(x!=-1 && y!=-1) cout<<"\nenter final position � "; } else if(x1==-1) { //Converting lower to upper case ch=toupper(ch); if(ch>=65 && ch<=72) { cout<<ch; x1=ch-65; } } else if(y1==-1) { if(ch>='1' && ch<='8') { cout<<ch; y1=ch-'1'; } int b=0,killed=0; /////pawn///// if(abs(board[y][x])>=9 && abs(board[y][x])<=16){ //if piece selscted has value greater than 8 and less than 17 b = pawn(x,y,x1,y1); }//end pawn //////horse////// else if(abs(board[y][x])==2 || abs(board[y][x])==7){ //if piece selscted has value 2 and 7 b = horse(x,y,x1,y1); }//end horse ////queen/// else if(abs(board[y][x])==4){ ////if piece selscted has value 4 b = queen(x,y,x1,y1); }//end queen ///king/// else if(abs(board[y][x])==5){ //if piece selscted has value 5 b = king(x,y,x1,y1); }//end king ///rook/// else if(abs(board[y][x])==1 || abs(board[y][x])==8){ //if piece selscted has value 1 and 8 b = rook(x,y,x1,y1); }//end rook ///bishop/// else if(abs(board[y][x])==3 || abs(board[y][x])==6){ //if piece selscted has value 3 and 6 b = bishop(x,y,x1,y1); }//end bishop if(b==2){ if(abs(board[y][x])>=9 && abs(board[y][x])<=16){ char pp; cout<<"\n\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\ \bwhich piece Q,R,H,B"; pp=getch(); if(turn==0){ if(pp=='r') board[y1][x1]=1; else if(pp=='h') board[y1][x1]=2; else if(pp=='b') board[y1][x1]=3; else if(pp=='q') board[y1][x1]=4; } else{ if(pp=='r') board[y1][x1]=-1; else if(pp=='h') board[y1][x1]=-2; else if(pp=='r') board[y1][x1]=-3; else if(pp=='q') board[y1][x1]=-4; } board[y][x]=0; killed =1; } else if(abs(board[y][x])==5){ if(board[y][x]==5){ if(count1==1); wrongStart();} else if(board[y][x]==-5){ if(count1==1); wrongStart();} else{ board[y][x+1]=board[y1][x1]; board[y][x+2]=board[y][x]; board[y1][x1]=0; board[y][x]=0; killed=1; } } printboard(); } else if(b==1) { if(turn==0) { if(board[y1][x1]<0) { board[y1][x1]=board[y][x]; board[y][x] = 0; killed=1; } } if(turn!=0) { if(board[y1][x1]>0) { board[y1][x1]=board[y][x]; board[y][x] = 0; killed=1; } } if(board[y1][x1]==0) { int temp=board[y][x]; board[y][x]=board[y1][x1]; board[y1][x1]=temp; killed=1; } printboard(); } x=-1; y=-1; x1=-1; y1=-1; setcolor(0); outtextxy(30,340,"Check"); if(killed==0){ wrongStart(); continue; } cleartext(); setcolor(0); outtextxy(10,400,"Player �"); if(turn==0){ check(); turn=1; setcolor(2); outtextxy(10,400,"Player 2"); } else{ check(); turn=0; setcolor(9); outtextxy(10,400,"Player 1"); } }//end legal move }//end for }//end main void printboard(){ for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ for(int j=0;j<8;j++){ if((i+j)%2==0) setcolor(WHITE); else setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"��"); if(board[i][j]<0) setcolor(GREEN); else if(board[i][j]>0) setcolor(9); if(abs(board[i][j])>=9 && abs(board[i][j])<=16){ outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"P");} else if(abs(board[i][j])==1 || abs(board[i][j])==8){ outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"R");} else if(abs(board[i][j])==2 || abs(board[i][j])==7){ outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"H"); } else if(abs(board[i][j])==3 || abs(board[i][j])==6){ outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"B"); } else if(abs(board[i][j])==4){ outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"Q"); } else if(abs(board[i][j])==5){ outtextxy(270+(j*45),105+(i*45),"K"); } } } } void wrongStart() { cout<<"\nWrong Input\nPress any key to continue..."; char ch=getch(); if(ch==0){ getch(); } for(int i=1;i<=30;i++) for(int j=1;j<=4;j++) { gotoxy(i,j); cout<<" "; } gotoxy(1,1); cout<<"enter initial position � "; } /////ClearText////void cleartext(){ for(int i=1;i<=27;i++) for(int j=1;j<=8;j++){ gotoxy(i,j); cout<<" "; } gotoxy(1,1); cout<<"enter initial position � "; } /////Initialize//// void initialize(){ setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(250,90,610,450); // Board Printing for (int i=250;i<560;i+=90) for (int j=90;j<450;j+=90) { bar(i,j,i+45,j+45); bar(i+45,j+45,i+90,j+90); } //Asigning the Values in the empty spaces for(i=2;i<=5;i++) for(int j=0;j<=7;j++) board[i][j] = 0; for(int j=0;j<=7;j++) { board[0][j] = j+1; board[1][j] = j+9; //Pawns for player 1 board[7][j] = 0-(j+1); board[6][j] = 0-(j+9); //Pawns for player 2 } printboard(); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(265,55,"A"); outtextxy(310,55,"B"); outtextxy(355,55,"C"); outtextxy(400,55,"D"); outtextxy(445,55,"E"); outtextxy(490,55,"F"); outtextxy(535,55,"G"); outtextxy(580,55,"H"); outtextxy(220,105,"1"); outtextxy(220,150,"2"); outtextxy(220,195,"3"); outtextxy(220,240,"4"); outtextxy(220,285,"5"); outtextxy(220,330,"6"); outtextxy(220,375,"7"); outtextxy(220,420,"8"); } ////HORSE////// int horse(int x,int y,int x1,int y1) { int a=0; if((y1==y+2 && x1==x+1)||(y1==y+2 && x1==x-1)||(y1==y+1 && x1==x+2)||(y1==y+1 && x1==x-2)||(y1==y-1 && x1==x+2)||(y1==y-1 && x1==x-2)||(y1==y-2 && x1==x+1)||(y1==y-2 && x1==x-1)){ a = 1; } return a; } /////KING//// int king(int x,int y,int x1,int y1) { int a = 0; if((y1==y+1 && x1==x)||(y1==y-1 && x1==x)||(y1==y+1 && x1==x+1)||(y1==y+1 && x1==x-1)||(y1==y-1 && x1==x+1)||(y1==y-1 && x1==x-1)||(y1==y && x1==x+1)||(y1==y && x1==x-1)){ a = 1; } /////CASTLING////// else if(board[y][x+1]==0&&board[y][x+2]==0&&(abs(board[y1][x1]) ==abs(board[y][x+3])==1||abs(board[y1][x1])== abs(board[y][x+3])==8)){ return 2; } if(a==1) { if(board[y][x]==5) count1=1; if(board[y][x]==-5) count2=1; } return a; } //////BISHOP///// int bishop(int x,int y,int x1,int y1) { int a=1,i; if(abs(x1-x)!=abs(y1-y)) { a=0; } if((x<x1)&&(y<y1)) { for(i=1;(i+x)<x1;i++) { if(board[y+i][x+i]!=0) a=0; } } else if((x>x1)&&(y>y1)){ for(i=1;(x-i)>x1;i++){ if(board[y-i][x-i]!=0) a=0; } } else if((x>x1)&&(y<y1)){ for(i=1;(x-i)>x1;i++){ if(board[y+i][x-i]!=0) a=0; } } else if((x<x1)&&(y>y1)){ for(i=1;(y-i)>y1;i++){ if(board[y-i][x+i]!=0) a=0; } } return a; } ////////QUEEN/////// int queen(int x,int y,int x1,int y1){ if(x==x1||y==y1){ //if queen moves in + direction return rook(x,y,x1,y1); } else if(abs(x1-x)==abs(y-y1)){ //if queen moves in diagnol direction return bishop(x,y,x1,y1); } else return 0; } ///ROOK//// int rook(int x,int y,int x1,int y1){ int a=1; if(y1==y) { for(int i=x+1;i<x1;i++) { if(board[y1][i]!=0) { a = 0; break; } } for(i=x-1;i>x1;i--) { if(board[y1][i]!=0) { a = 0; break; } } } else if(x1==x) { for(int i=y+1;i<y1;i++) { if(board[i][x1]!=0) { a = 0; break; } } for(i=y-1;i>y1;i--) { if(board[i][x1]!=0) { a = 0; break; } } } else { a=0; } return a; } ///PAWN///// int pawn(int x,int y,int x1,int y1){ int a=0; if(turn==0){ if(y==1){ if(y1==(y+2) && x1==x){ if(board[y1][x1]==0&&board[y+1][x]==0){ a = 1; } } } if(y1==y+1 && x1==x){ if(board[y1][x1]==0){ a = 1; } } else if(y1==(y+1) && (x1==(x+1)||x1==(x-1))){ if(board[y1][x1]<0){ a = 1; } } } else if(turn==1){ if(y==6){ if( y1==(y-2) && x1==x){ if(board[y1][x1]==0&&board[y-1][x]==0){ a = 1; } } } if( y1==(y-1) && x1==x){ if(board[y1][x1]==0){ a = 1; } } else if(y1==(y-1) && (x1==(x-1)||x1==(x+1))){ if(board[y1][x1]>0){ a = 1; } } } if(a==1) { if(turn==0) { if(y1==7) return 2; } else { if(y1==0) return 2; } } return a; } ////////Check//////// void check() { int t=0,i,j,x1,y1; if(turn==0){ for(i=0;i<=7;i++) { for(j=0;j<=7;j++) { if(board[i][j]==-5) { y1=i; x1=j; break; } } } for(j=0;j<=7;j++){ for(i=0;i<=7;i++){ if (t==1){ setcolor(9); rectangle(20,335,100,365); outtextxy(30,340,"Check"); break; } if(board[j][i]>=9 && board[j][i]<=16) t = pawn(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==2 || board[j][i]==7) t = horse(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==4) t = queen(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==1 || board[j][i]==8) t = rook(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==3 || board[j][i]==6) t = bishop(i,j,x1,y1); }// for }// for }//endif turn else { for(i=0;i<=7;i++){ for(j=0;j<=7;j++){ if(board[i][j]==5){ y1=i; x1=j; break; } } } for(j=0;j<=7;j++){ for(i=0;i<=7;i++){ if (t==1){ setcolor(GREEN); rectangle(20,335,100,365); outtextxy(30,340,"Check"); break; } if(board[j][i]>=(-9) && board[j][i]<=(-16)) t = pawn(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==(-2) || board[j][i]==(-7)) t = horse(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==(-4)) t = queen(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==(-1) || board[j][i]==(-8)) t = rook(i,j,x1,y1); else if(board[j][i]==(-3) || board[j][i]==(-6)) t = bishop(i,j,x1,y1); }// for }// for }// end else } //////GAME OVER///// int gameover(){ int i,j,a=0,b=0; for(i=0;i<=7;i++) { for(j=0;j<=7;j++) { if(board[i][j]==5) b=1; if(board[i][j]==-5) a=1; } } if(b==0) { setcolor(12); outtextxy(30,340,"Game Over"); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(30,300,"Player 1 Loses"); getch(); return 0; } else if(a==0) { setcolor(9); outtextxy(30,340,"Game Over"); outtextxy(30,300,"Player 2 Loses"); getch(); return 0; } return 1; }


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